#Maxqda import document code
(Optional) Select the Code files to codes check box, to create a code for each document (text) that is converted to an NVivo file.Document attributes are converted to case classification attributes, and the attribute values are set on the case code. If you do not select this option, document attributes are converted to file classification attributes and the attribute values are set on the file.Ī new NVivo project is created. MAXQDA documents are converted to NVivo files, codes are converted to codes, and coding references are converted to code references. If you cannot select NVivo Projects (*.nvp), check your connections Click File > Options, then click the Connections tab to see the connections.The Connection name box is empty if you have not set up any NVivo Collaboration Server connections-click the Add button to create a new connection using the Connection Properties dialog box.

How MAXQDA project elements are converted Texts, text groups, text sets, text memos and attributes If you receive a message indicating that you do not have permission to create a project on NVivo Collaboration Server, verify with your NVivo Collaboration Server administrator that you are in a user group that has permission to create new projects.You need a standalone connection to create a standalone project saved to your computer or a network drive. The maximum length of the description is 512 characters. The memo will be truncated during conversion if it contains more than 512 characters. If the MAXQDA memo contains linked codes, a 'see-also' link is created, linking the first word of each document (text) in the folder (text group) to the corresponding code. If you don’t already have a MAXQDA license, contact us.If the MAXQDA project has a memo attached to the root level 'Texts' group, this is converted to the NVivo project description, but any linked codes are not converted.
#Maxqda import document license
Needless to say, make sure that you have a Twitter account and MAXQDA license before you start. Conversely, the following stages may reveal that not enough data was collected during the ‘capture’ phase, which may require the researcher to continue to broaden their data collection efforts. Remember: social media analysis is a cyclic process and not all the data gathered during this initial stage will be useful during the subsequent stages. In this initial stage, the researcher must identify what data on the social media platform is relevant to the research project. visualizing the results for presentation.presenting the frequency of relevant aspects, and.