gear check bag drop/pickup Do 5K and 10K races have gear bag checks? It can store anything that might be needed for post-race comfort or activities. Gear check bags are extremely helpful to runners who don’t have a car near the finish line. This is why the bag is made available to them before and after the race. It’s silly to assume that runners should carry all of their items with them during the physical race. It is designed for runners and athletes to store their essential items in an overall organized manner for the race volunteers to retrieve quickly.
#Race gear bag how to
Related: How To Attach A Race Bib Without Safety Pins

The bib usually has tear-off squares at the bottom for post-race activities such as finisher shirt pickup, beer tickets, and gear check bib id. Basically, a gear check bag is a type of trash bag or plastic bag offered by the race to store your gear and valuables while you are on the racecourse. When you sign up for a big race such as a half or full marathon you’ll likely need a location to safely store your valuables and post-race necessities. This identifies your gear bag for pickup after the race. Gear check tear-off ticket at the bottom of the gray race bib.

If you’re new to running or haven’t raced much then you might still be wondering – what on earth is a gear check bag?Ī gear check bag (or drop bag) is usually a plastic bag tethered to your bib number that is used to store your valuables for post-race activities while you’re physically running a race.

If you’re not new to running then you probably already know what a gear check bag is.